Each Breath of Faith

Our 4th Annual Each Breath of Faith 5k3k is September 15, 2018.

Each Breath of Faith 5k Fun Run and 3k Family & Dog Walk starting point is at the YMCA Pavilion, 200  Y Blvd, Rockford, IL.  Registration and activities start at 8:00AM.  Run and Walk begin at 9:00AM.  The Run/Walk will be along the Bike Path.  Cost is $25 for individual runners and walkers and $50 for family registration (includes dog).

To register now click: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-each-breath-of-faith-5k-run-and-3k-family-dog-walk-tickets-45970539120?aff=efbevent

Entry fee includes one free t-shirt, many of the activities, refreshments, and drawing ticket for great prize drawings.

This is a fundraiser so more raffle tickets will be sold to increase your chances of winning as well as other opportunities to make donations.

All proceeds will benefit the Tommy Corral Memorial Foundation for suicide and mental illness awareness and education in our community. 

A waiver/release needs to be filled out by ALL participants and turned in the day of the event.  Please like our facebook page: 
1.    https://www.facebook.com/eachbreathoffaith5k3k  

THANK YOU to all who participated in our third annual Each Breath of Faith 5k3k on April 22nd, 2017.  It was a huge success with over 400 participants and 100 dogs.  We hope to see you next year! 

THANK YOU to all who participated in our second annual Each Breath of Faith 5k3k on April 16th, 2016.  It was a huge success with over 300 participants.  We hope to see you next year! 

  THANK YOU to all who participated in our first annual Each Breath of Faith 5k3k on April 18, 2015. It was a huge success with over 276 participants.

1 comment:

  1. We had over 276 participants in our first annual event and raised over $4,500 for the Tommy Corral Memorial Foundation. Thank you all for your support.
