Friday, March 27, 2015

Respect and love people where they are at...

There is often a huge a lack of respect for others for where they are at in their life. We want to change people and have them become who we think they should be. We want them to think and act the way we do. This is a BIG problem! What happened to loving and meeting people where they are at? Why is that so hard for us to do? Imagine what a difference we can make in our community, in our home, in our relationships, and in our churches if we stopped trying to change other...s and just shut up and listen to them. How would things change if we listened to their passions and help them reach their goals instead of attempting to change them so they have the same passions and desires as we do. Why is it so hard for so many people to listen without judgment and without trying to FIX it? We are called to respect and love others even if we don’t agree with their choices or lifestyle. Even if we can't understand their struggles or why they do what they do. The best way we can serve and help others is to SHUT UP, LISTEN, and RESPOND to THEIR needs and desires instead of forcing our own on them. Let’s live by example and love others as Jesus Christ loved us. I don’t care what a person looks like, what bad decisions they have made or are still making, what sort of family they have, what level of job they hold, what mistakes they make, whether they are smart or not so bright, whether they handle things they way I would or not, whether they have the same beliefs as me or not… I will always listen and respect them for who they are because I can always learn something about God, myself, and the world from ANYONE who comes into my life. There is way to much JUDGMENT. Way to many people trying to FIX others. Way to many people who don't LISTEN to what others have to say and their needs are because they are too focused on what they want or think. When does it change? How does it change? It starts with US!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The blessing is coming!

Oh how I miss you Tommy.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't wish you where here.  Tomorrow the blessing you left us will be born.  Princess Esperanza (Hope) will be here.  I love that you picked out a name for this beautiful blessing that means hope because she will truly give us hope for the future.  I wish you were able to be here and take part in this wonderful gift from God.  I wanted so deeply to see the proud look on your face once she was born.  It hurts my heart so much that I will never get to share this with you.  I know when I look at her I will see your smile and hopefully your eyes.  As she grows up I will see similarities and characteristics that remind me of you.  I love you my son and just as I was always there for you, I will be there for Espi.  I promise to love her unconditionally and show her what an amazing man you where.  She will know how big of a heart you had for others, how you always worried about everyone else before your own well being. She will see your smile and bright eyes in the pictures we show her and learn about your humor in the stories we share.  Tommy I promise that your baby girl will know you through us.  I promise to love and protect her to the best of my ability.  I hope and pray that she will grow up to a beautiful young woman with too many blessings to count.  Tomorrow I become a grandma!  I can't believe you made me a grandma at the age of 40! Haha.  Sweet Esperanza I can't wait to meet you!  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Don't give up

Things happen to us in life that we cannot ever anticipate.  A debilitating blow to the life that we once knew.  When those things happen we want to give up.  We think we can’t survive it because the pain is unbearable.  To continue living life is hard after such a devastating loss.  Easy is not an option when you love deeply.  Faith is a necessity.  You must have faith and believe in yourself and in God.  You are strong enough to survive this.  You will survive this.  In those moments of despair grasp on to hope.  Don’t give up… live because that is what you are meant to do.