Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Behind the Mask

We all wear masks to a point.  We rarely show our true selves too many but only to a select few we can trust and who love and accept us for our flawed broken selves.  I watch others closely now to read them and try and determine if they are hurting deep inside but showing a smile on the outside.  I watch as some wear a mask of a caring, loving, concerned leader but behind closed doors they belittle, hurt, judge, and control others.  I watch as in front of the crowd people give heartfelt thanks and appreciation but in a circle of few they plot to hurt and ruin that same person.  I watch as we put on a smile and appear so put together when behind closed doors we are falling apart and breaking to pieces.  I watch as judgment and criticism is placed on many instead of acceptance and understanding.  It is no wonder to me why so many of us wear masks, because if we were to show our true identity….the broken, lost, hurting..insecure part of us; imagine what others could and would do with that.  The truth is some will kick us when we are down or vulnerable.  If some are willing to kick others when they are vulnerable; imagine what they could do if true openness was shown.  Here is the thing….If we are following the example of Jesus, He loved, healed, and respected the broken. He accepted and mentored those who were unlike Him.  Jesus did not condemn, judge, and criticize the broken.  It is so disheartening to me that so many people don’t accept others for who they are; for where they are at in their life.  So many people hold expectations of what another should do or act like.  I have watched as people out of selfishness ruin the life of someone else.  This is what forces us to wear masks.  Imagine what a beautiful world it could be if we were able to take off the masks and be our true selves.  If we were able to be raw, vulnerable, and real.  No longer having to wear a mask that we have it all together or that we are in control.  Imagine what it would be like if we could all be real with one another instead of being fake behind a mask.

2 Corinthians 4:2 MSG “We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don't maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don't twist God's Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God.”


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