Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Three words that could save your life….

A friend shared a story with me about how she got to a point in her life where she didn’t want to live but thankfully found the courage to say 3 words; I NEED HELP.  Asking for help is difficult for most of us because we are wired to do things ourselves or because we have been let down so many times before that we just don’t bother asking assuming we will be let down again.  If there is any time that is the best time to ask for help, it’s when you have thoughts of ending your life.  By saying those three words, I NEED HELP, you are taking ownership of your feelings and recognizing that you cannot do it alone.  I wish that my son would have called me that day and said those three words because I would have helped, I would have done anything I could to help him just like I always had.  Maybe if we learn to ask for help more often it will be easier for us to do so when and if we get to a point where we feel as though we can’t continue on. 

But on the other side, we have to make ourselves available and LISTEN when people talk to us.  Life is so busy and we jam pack it with more and more things, so many things that we don’t have time to connect with people and really listen to their needs.  That has to change.  People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them.  God is more interested in our character then our comfort.  He might put us in situations that we don’t feel equipt to handle but through it he builds our character to be more like Jesus and uses us to help others.  Let’s live more like Jesus and make time for others, be available and willing when someone calls or reaches out. 

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