Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Speak Up

It utterly baffles me how so many of us stand by and watch a person get treated unfairly, unethically, and underhandedly, but we don’t speak up, support, and defend them.  But then when that person quits, walks away, or harms themselves we are surprised.  When did the world and the people in it become so timid to speak up for what is right and support others when they are victimized?  The Bible tells us in Psalms 46 that God is our refuge and strength in times of trouble, but who can WE be a refuge and strength for? 

So often people sit back and say nothing when something really needs to be said.  It could be an idea, a suggestion, an observation, constructive criticism, but for some reason they don't want to speak up.  Maybe they are afraid of hurting another person, looking mean or foolish, or opening a can of worms that will make a mess in everyone's lives.  Sometimes it seems like staying silent is the wiser choice. But there are many reasons why we should always speak up and voice our feelings and opinions. 

You may think that staying silent keeps you from being involved in any conflict, but it’s the opposite. Silence is as much an active form of communication as talking. Silence deems approval.  If you don’t approve you need to speak up or it will be assumed that you agree or support the issue.

I believe most people are good hearted and care for others well-being, but many stay silent because they don't want to create any waves by offending or carefully criticizing someone. But if a situation is headed down a dangerous path it’s important to put the needs of the situation above your own comfortableness. 

You can't assume the obvious is apparent. Your experience, knowledge, and observations have value in a given situation. No one else has your unique perspective and many people have difficulty seeing the picture beyond their own wants and desires so hearing another perspective can be helpful.

It’s possible that your insightful observations and conclusions have appeared in the minds of others. Others may share your thoughts and opinions, but may also be unwilling to speak up. By speaking your mind you encourage them to voice their opinions as well. When one person shows support it can start a trend for others to stand up and support too.

It’s time we speak up for ourselves and for others.  If your motive is honest and pure then your opinion and thoughts matter and should be heard.  Proverbs 16:2 “People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives.”

I hear about and see children being bullied while others stand by watching and say nothing.  There are adults who get treated unfairly and with complete disrespect in the workplace while others do and say nothing.  There are parents who see the signs that their children are struggling, but don’t say anything out of fear or because it’s easier to just pretend everything is ok.  There are broken people all around that we could take the time to say a kind word of encouragement or offer a helping hand but instead we remain busy and silent.

What is it going to take to change this?  When will we speak up for what is right? 



  1. Wonderful thing ur doing...i hope that God comforts u n everyway...i hope that God also fills ur heart wit xtra joy...be blessed

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement and blessing.
